Cultivating carbon revenue from trees integrated into your farm

What is silvopasture?

Silvopasture is the smart integration of trees onto pasture land - a practice that carries significant benefits for land, animals, and farms alike.

Richer Soil
Improve soil health and reap higher yields for seasons to come
Beat the Heat
Harness the power of shade to shield your livestock from high temperatures
Diversify Farm Income
Earn new revenue while reducing your hay expenses with edible tree leaves and mast
Build a Legacy
Pave the way for the future of farming that supports the next generation

How do you make money?

The carbon stored in your trees is sold as carbon credits on the voluntary carbon market

Corporations continue to set net-zero emissions goals

To be net-zero, corporations must remove an equal amount of carbon from the atmosphere as they emit

We sell your carbon credits to these corporations, providing your farm a new revenue stream

Calling all farmers located in Virginia, Tennessee, and North Carolina!
Unlock the future of farming with the Working Trees ASSETS Program, developed into partnership with Virginia Tech and Appalachian Sustainable Development: Accelerating Silvopasture Adoption and Carbon Sequestration through Emerging Markets and Technologies.

We’ll help you get shade and get paid.
Financial Assistance
Receive up to $1,500 per acre upfront
New Revenue
Earn up to $90 per acre annually from carbon credit sales
Cost Savings
Save up to $100 per acre annually on feed
Free Expert Advice
Hands-on guidance to maximize your land's potential

What our farmers are saying

“At Lick Skillet Farm, carbon sequestration has long been on the sidelines, as a secondary business goal. As our farm begins its fourth intergenerational transfer, we want to bring it to the center. The Southeast is blessed with plentiful sunshine, rain, and arable topsoil - ideal for natural sequestration. With a mixed-species herd and sophisticated grazing management as our primary tools, we believe we can speed the process of sequestration beyond the normal rate.”

Wyn Miller
Lick Skillet Farm
Are you a farmer in the US or Brazil?
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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should livestock producers consider silvopasture?

Shade: Shade reduces heat stress and therefore improves productivity. Studies have shown that access to natural shade can increase average daily gain in calves by over 50%.  

Fodder: Tree fodder can displace hay costs, which can often be the largest expense driver. This is true for a wide variety of tree species, including willow and honey locust.  

Soil health: Trees improve nutrient cycling from all layers of the soil and contribute organic matter through litter. Studies have shown that this can improve overall soil organic content and soil health. 

Timber products: We require a 30 year commitment for any trees that receive carbon credit payments. However, it is possible to harvest after the contract and – for loblolly in particular – there is a way to get partial credit for harvests within the first 30 years.

How much is carbon worth?

The carbon values per acre depend on various farm characteristics. We do not provide a prescriptive approach to our partner farms, but rather provide farmers the information they need to make informed decisions.

Carbon credit prices range from $20 to $90 per ton of CO2 removed. Volume of CO2 removed is generally around 2 tons per acre per year starting in year 5.

How do I decide which species to plant?

We connect farmers with Technical Service Providers (TSPs) that help make the most agronomically sound decisions possible for farm management goals. We do not decide which trees to plant, but rather provide farmers with relevant carbon sequestration forecasts and carbon credit revenue models to help facilitate the best decisions.

Do projects require a minimum acreage?

No, we have no minimum enrollment acreage. Our phone app-based technology makes this possible.